
FIP’s work on vaccination is based on the conviction that improving vaccination coverage and promoting a life-course approach to vaccination are global imperatives to which pharmacists can greatly contribute. Of the 21 FIP Development Goals launched in September 2020, vaccination is linked to 17 goals, which clearly indicates the high priority vaccination holds not only for pharmacy and FIP, but also for global health. In particular, Development Goal 16, focusing on communicable diseases, is overtly linked to the prevention of this group of diseases, in which vaccination plays a prominent role.

With adequate training, pharmacists are competent to perform a series of roles that can significantly contribute to improving vaccination coverage, from providing evidence-based advice on vaccines and addressing vaccine hesitancy and complacency, to administering vaccines and managing vaccination records. Although pharmacists have administered vaccines in several countries for years, this role is still new or even unknown to the profession in many parts of the world. With the resources in this microsite, FIP aims to support its member organisations and pharmacists

This microsite is a resource hub aggregating FIP’s publications, partnerships and events in the area of vaccination, to support FIP’s members and individual pharmacists around the world in promoting vaccination awareness and confidence and expanding vaccination coverage globally across all ages and population groups.


FIP’s publications in this area range from the FIP-WHO Good Pharmacy Practice guidelines (2011) to advocacy tools, global data, guidelines and practice support tools. They include a members-only advocacy toolkit to support member organisations’ advocacy for the implementation of pharmacy-based vaccination, a collection of evidence and guidelines for the development of vaccination services, survey reports on the evolving roles of pharmacy in vaccination, and a regulatory self-evaluation assessment tool for advancing pharmacy services in this area.

Publications are presented in chronological order, from more recent to older. Please scroll down inside the grey area or using the scroll bar on its side to find more FIP publications.

Global vaccination policy development summit – Executive summary (2024)

In April 2024, FIP hosted a policy development summit to focus on the growing role of pharmacy in vaccinations and to describe and define the parameters for implementing the FIP global policy on life course immunisation. This report summarises the insights, data, expertise and experiences shared during the summit and is a foundational document for the development of a policy framework for life course immunisation globally. This summit represented the first step in delivering this framework.

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Leveraging pharmacy to deliver life-course vaccination: An FIP global intelligence report – Executive summary (2024)

As more countries authorize pharmacists to deliver vaccines, FIP remains committed to supporting pharmacists in this vital role and advocating for the widespread use of pharmacists in ensuring vaccination coverage and improving the health care system. A comprehensive overview of pharmacist-led vaccination services around the world is presented in this executive summary, which is open access.

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Leveraging pharmacy to deliver life-course vaccination: An FIP global intelligence report (2024)

Recent years have seen pharmacists’ roles in immunization evolve significantly, with increased access to administer vaccines across regions. Based on a cumulative dataset of 120 countries, this report evaluates many aspects of pharmacist-led vaccination. These include advocacy activities, regulatory frameworks, vaccination administration and prescribing, training, certification, access to vaccination records, remuneration models and identifying barriers to extending these services. This study forms part of the FIP Vaccination Surveillance Project, an ongoing initiative aimed at continuously monitoring and assessing the development of pharmacists’ roles in immunization globally.

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Advancing pharmacy practices in vaccination: Preparing for winter. Report from a FIP insight board (2024)

This report, resulting from an insight board that FIP hosted in October 2023, aims to shed light on the multifaceted approach undertaken by pharmacies to meet the increased demand for immunisations during winter, considering factors such as vaccine availability, staff training, public awareness campaigns and collaborative efforts with healthcare stakeholders. At the insight board, experts in the field of immunisation discussed vaccination and preparing for winter and shared valuable insights for pharmacists, healthcare professionals, policymakers and the general public to better understand and appreciate the vital role of pharmacies in increasing uptake of different vaccines, especially during winter periods.

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Advancing pharmacy practices in vaccination: Reaching at-risk and vulnerable groups. Report from a FIP insight board (2024)

During an insight board hosted by FIP in October 2023, experts in pharmacy and immunisation joined to discuss ways of improving vaccination for at-risk and vulnerable population groups. This report provides a summary of the insight board discussion as well as the key insights that were shared.

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Advancing pharmacy practices in vaccination: Unlocking vaccine confidence. Report from a FIP insight board (2024)

FIP, being the leader of pharmacy globally, continues to expand its presence within pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, and to influence policymaking, education and science institutions to become better. As part of its efforts on vaccination, FIP hosted an insight board in October 2023 exploring the factors that affect vaccine confidence and public trust in vaccines as well as the strategies that optimise vaccine acceptance.

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Vaccination: Benefits beyond specific diseases prevention. Summaries from the FIP digital events programme (2023)

This report provides a summary of the outcomes of two of the events that mostly took part as panel discussions (Part 3 and Part 4), highlighting key insights from panel discussions that showcased the burden of diseases and the risks and costs of not widening access to vaccination as well as the key role that pharmacists can play in life course immunisation.

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Pharmacy-based vaccination: Recent developments, success stories and implementation challenges (2023)

This report provides an update in terms of qualitative insights on recent developments and success stories of pharmacy-based vaccination in several countries, as well as an overview of some of the challenges that some countries are still facing to introduce this valuable professional service by pharmacists. The report also aims to uphold FIP’s global and regional advocacy of vaccination-related roles by pharmacists, and to provide FIP member organisations with examples that can support their own process and advocacy. The report includes a compilation of 17 case studies and country updates by FIP member organisations from countries with remarkable recent developments in this area, followed by the report from an insight board (focus group) discussion with countries that are at different stages of introducing pharmacy-based vaccination or that are facing specific challenges to achieve this goal.

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Statement of policy on the role of pharmacy in life-course vaccination

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Supporting life-course immunisation through pharmacy-based vaccination: enabling equity, access and sustainability. A toolkit for pharmacists (2023)

Health equity is only achieved when there are no differences in the quality of and access to health care among all groups and at all ages in a society. Whether to an infant, a child, a young adult, or an older adult, the quality of health care should not change. Similarly, access to care should not vary throughout an individual’s life. Because inequities are cumulative, their impacts are not confined to one stage of an individual’s life but rather remain and affect a person’s
life years afterwards. In addition, the impacts are not restricted to a particular individual, but can affect the lives of those around. Vaccine inequities, too, especially among people of different ages, have a cumulative effect. Inequitable access to vaccines not only leaves people at risk of contracting and spreading deadly viruses but also leads to more virus variants emerging, affecting a whole population, even those vaccinated.

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FIP commitment to leveraging pharmacists to build vaccine confidence and address vaccine hesitancy and complacency (2022)

Vaccine hesitancy – concerns related to vaccination or outright refusal to receive vaccines despite availability – is a major threat to global health and an important barrier to the success of vaccination strategies worldwidei. Barriers such as misinformation and distrust in vaccines can compromise not only the health of individuals but also public health as a whole.

The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), which brings together 146 organisations of pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists and pharmaceutical educators, and represents over four million pharmacists from around the world, believes it is essential that pharmacy and other civil society organisations join forces and outline synergistic and complementary advocacy actions for broader access to and convenience of vaccination services through a diversity of providers and pathways, and to address vaccine hesitancy from multiple perspectives.

The commitment is available in the following languages:

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Vaccination of special-risk groups: A toolkit for pharmacists (2022)

Pharmacists are one of the most easily accessible healthcare professionals, and they are increasingly engaged in primary healthcare strategies, including disease prevention. Pharmacists are key healthcare professionals  to support  specific population groups who are more vulnerable to severe forms of vaccine-preventable diseases and have a higher risk of hospitalisation, loss of functional ability and even death. These special-risk groups must be the target of proactive and systematic actions by healthcare professionals to ensure they are vaccinated against all diseases that may impact their health in a severe and largely preventable way.

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Videos: Vaccines and special-risk population groups

While vaccines are recommended for almost everyone, there are specific groups of people who may be particularly vulnerable to severe forms of vaccine-preventable diseases. Their health conditions may increase the risk of developing complications requiring hospitalisation, developing secondary illnesses or even dying. Therefore, it is imperative to actively promote vaccination to those groups to ensure that they receive all the vaccines that are suitable for their age and clinical situation. Pharmacists can play an important role in promoting and advocating vaccination to these groups by leveraging their accessibility, expertise and trust by the population. Their frequent interactions with the public provide valuable opportunities to raise awareness of the importance of vaccination.

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Optimising vaccination through coadministration of influenza and COVID-19 vaccines: Guidance for pharmacists (2022)

This new guidance for pharmacists explores how vaccination strategies for two important respiratory conditions — COVID-19 and influenza — can and should be considered together and combined in an effective and impactful way to improve uptake rates for each vaccine.

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The FIP vaccination reference guide. Knowledge and skills to support professional development and inform pharmacy education in vaccination (2022)

Pharmacists in many parts of the world play key roles in public health, including vaccination-related services. As
established advocates, educators and qualified providers of vaccines, pharmacists have a significant role in promoting
and supporting the uptake and monitoring of vaccination. Their roles include raising awareness of the benefits of
vaccination and improving immunisation coverage. To successfully deliver these important roles, pharmacists need to
obtain the required knowledge and skills in the area of vaccination.

“FIP vaccination reference guide: Knowledge and skills in pharmacy education and professional development” is
developed by FIP for educators and academic institutions, practitioners and professional organisations, and
policymakers. The reference guide outlines the knowledge and skills that should be acquired by students during their
undergraduate pharmacy education, and expands into the knowledge and skills that should be obtained by pharmacists
through professional development and training.

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Advocating expansion of the pharmacist’s role in immunisation: A focus on diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis booster, COVID-19 and meningitis vaccinations (2022)

Pharmacists are contributing to expanded immunisation coverage globally, thereby reducing illness and deaths from vaccine-preventable diseases. The report provides intelligence on the current status of these services in 36 countries that have regulated pharmacy-based vaccination services to identify pharmacists’ current role in DTP booster vaccination, COVID vaccination and meningococcal meningitis vaccination. The new data shows that their role has expanded since the publication of a previous FIP report in 2020. This increase has been driven in part by the need for urgent and mass vaccination as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the report authors say. In addition, vaccination authority policy development, stakeholder engagement and acceptance of pharmacists’ role, logistics development, and education and training were highlighted as being necessary if pharmacists’ role in vaccination services is to be leveraged further.

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Crear confianza en las vacunas y comunicar su valor: Guia para farmacéuticos (2021)

Esta publicación identifica motivos comunes de preocupación o vacilación relacionados con la seguridad y eficacia de las vacunas y propone enfoques efectivos para abordarlos de diversas maneras a través de campañas dirigidas por farmacias y mediante interacciones con pacientes individuales.

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Construir a confiança nas vacinas e comunicar o seu valor. Um manual para farmacêuticos. (2021)

Esta publicação identifica razões comuns de preocupação ou hesitação relacionadas com a segurança e eficácia das vacinas e propõe abordagens eficazes para as abordar de diversas formas através de campanhas lideradas pelas farmácias e através de interacções com pacientes individuais.

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Building vaccine confidence and communicating vaccine value: A toolkit for pharmacists (2021)

This publication identifies common reasons for concern or hesitancy related to vaccine safety and efficacy and proposes effective approaches to address them in a variety of ways through pharmacy-led campaigns and through interactions with individual patients.

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FIP Vaccination Handbook for Pharmacists (2021)

With this publication, FIP aims to support individual pharmacists with understanding how they can contribute to improving vaccination coverage through services ranging from patient education and advice, to logistical roles and the administration of vaccines. This handbook provides guidance on the practical implementation of these services and includes guidelines on the procedures, safety aspects, common risk points and frequently asked questions about vaccines and their administration.

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Programme de vaccination contre la pandèmie en pharmacie: Un outil d’auto-évaluation des politiques (2021)

Cet outil d’auto-évaluation permettra d’identifier les points forts et les domaines à améliorer afin d’informer les efforts de planification pandémique avant les vagues actuelles et futures de COVID-19. Il s’agit d’un outil destiné à aider les ministères de la santé et les organismes de réglementation nationaux à évaluer la préparation à la pandémie et l’état de la législation et de la réglementation dans leur pays afin de faciliter la vaccination et le dépistage de masse et d’améliorer les soins aux patients par le biais des pharmaciens et des pharmacies communautaires.

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FIP call to action to expand the role of community pharmacies in vaccination, including against COVID-19 and future pandemic (2020)

This statement highlights the role of pharmacists in vaccination and in the promotion of vaccination coverage around the world.

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An overview of pharmacy’s impact on immunisation coverage. A global survey (2020)

This report contains the findings of FIP’s latest survey (2020) of pharmacy’s impact on immunisation coverage. It evaluates different aspects of pharmacist-led immunisation, including advocacy and awareness activities, regulatory frameworks, vaccine administration, reimbursement models, training and certification, vaccination records, and limitations and barriers to the expansion of pharmacy practice to include vaccine administration. A total of 99 countries and territories participated, making this the most comprehensive report published on this subject to date.

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An overview of current pharmacy impact on immunisation. A global report (2016)

This publication reports the findings of the first FIP survey on the roles of pharmacists in vaccination, conducted in 2016.

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Good Pharmacy Practice – Joint FIP/WHO Guidelines on GPP Standards for quality of pharmacy services (2011)

This document describes the key roles, functions and activities of pharmacists, including the administration of vaccines.

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FIP organises digital events and webinars regularly to highlight different topics related to vaccination, share best practices and innovations and advocate for the role that pharmacy can play in improving access to vaccination services.

You may access the recordings of all past events through the links provided below. Events are presented in chronological order, from more recent to older. Please scroll down inside the grey area or using the scroll bar on its side to find more FIP events. You may also want to check the upcoming digital events at www.events.fip.org.

Using data to shape vaccination strategies – Launch of FIP’s global intelligence report on the role of pharmacists in vaccination

April 30, 2024

Vaccination is one of the most effective public health interventions to mitigate the burden of disease and saves millions of lives per year. The role of pharmacists as widely documented during the pandemic further reemphasizes the importance of pharmacy-based vaccination in health promotion. The strategic use of vaccination surveillance data can inform and shape public health policies and vaccination approaches. This event will explore the use of surveillance data using international examples of pharmacy-based vaccination services and advocate for extended pharmaceutical services in vaccination. The event will additionally present other global vaccination data-driven projects and their use in policy making. 

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Reaching at-risk and vulnerable groups: Pharmacy’s role in inclusive vaccination

November 14, 2023

FIP is organizing a series of three webinars centred on critical aspects of vaccination. These webinars aim to provide insights into three key topics to advance pharmacy-based vaccination services:
1. The first event is dedicated to addressing vaccine confidence and aims to explore the factors that influence public trust in vaccines and discuss strategies to bolster vaccine acceptance.
2. The second event focuses on preparing for vaccination campaigns during the winter season. This includes discussions on adapting vaccination strategies for seasonal challenges and ensuring the availability of vaccines during this crucial period.
3. The third event focuses on at-risk or vulnerable groups and examines the importance of reaching and safeguarding these populations and explores ways in which pharmacies can play a crucial role in their vaccination.

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Preparing for winter: Pharmacy-based vaccination strategies

November 9, 2023

One of the key objectives of this webinar series is to harness the insights gained from the panel discussions to inform the development of global guidelines for pharmacy practices related to vaccination. These guidelines will serve as a valuable resource for the international pharmacy community, contributing to more effective and inclusive vaccination efforts worldwide.

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Unlocking Vaccine Confidence: A Pharmacy Perspective

November 2, 2023

One of the key objectives of this webinar series is to harness the insights gained from the panel discussions to inform the development of global guidelines for pharmacy practices related to vaccination. These guidelines will serve as a valuable resource for the international pharmacy community, contributing to more effective and inclusive vaccination efforts worldwide.

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Vaccination: Benefits beyond specific disease prevention – Part 4

October 23, 2023

This is the 4th and final episode in the FIP series ‘Vaccination: Benefits beyond specific disease prevention’ which aimed to highlight the extensive advantages of vaccination beyond merely guarding against specific pathogens in older adults.

Parts 1 and 2 focused on the evidence base of indirect benefits of vaccination in areas such as cardiovascular health, diabetes and arthritis in older adults and prolonged immune responses that contribute to sustained health. They also underscored the indispensable role of pharmacists in promoting healthy aging through vaccination.

Vaccination: Benefits beyond specific disease prevention – Part 3

September 13, 2023

Building on the Part 2 of the series, Part 3 will focus on the burden of diseases and the risks and costs of not widening access to vaccination. FIP resources will be revisited as well as the process of setting up vaccination at a pharmacy: pre-vaccination, vaccination, post-vaccination and in-depth case studies. The event will take the format of a brief presentations followed by a panel discussion in which experts will join in to share their knowledge and expertise.

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Vaccination: Benefits beyond specific disease prevention – Part 2

August 31, 2023

We all know that the primary goal of vaccination is the prevention of pathogen-specific infection. But what about the indirect benefits of vaccines which drive longer-term immune responses that promote long-term health? This webinar – Part 2 – will share contributions, activities, tools that pharmacists lead and utilise to promote healthy aging in the practice setting. The webinar will highlight the varied but crucial role of pharmacists in vaccination, particularly for older adults, and supporting patients’ quality of life.

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Vaccination: Benefits beyond specific disease prevention – Part 1

August 21, 2023

We all know that the primary goal of vaccination is the prevention of pathogen-specific infection. But what about the indirect benefits of vaccines which drive longer-term immune responses that promote long-term health? This webinar – Part 1 – will delve into technical and evidence-based insights on positive downstream effects of vaccines in older adults including that on cardiovascular events and diseases, diabetes or arthritis

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Enabling life-course immunisation through pharmacy-based vaccination: Launch of a new FIP Pandemic Preparedness report

August 16, 2023

Following the pandemic, how to continue to lead the profession globally and support our members during those uncertain times became a core priority for FIP in 2023. As we move on from responding directly to COVID-19 to responding to the aftermath and to readying ourselves for future pandemics and health emergencies, FIP sought to derive key lessons, recommendations and considerations for the future in another report, “Pandemic Preparedness, Response and Recovery: Lessons Learnt for Global Pharmacy”.

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Enabling life-course immunisation through pharmacy-based vaccination: Launch of a new FIP policy toolkit

July 26, 2023

FIP is committed to supporting countries to develop policies that enable pharmacies and pharmacists to deliver integrated vaccination services throughout the life-course and as part of wider national immunisation policies. This event is delivered as part of a new FIP programme supported by Pfizer, which aims to provide our members with approaches and tools for tackling key policy enablers that determine equity, access and sustainability of pharmacy-based life-course immunisation.

The success of pharmacy-based vaccination depends on various policy factors, one of which is access to data and vaccination records. FIP data shows that pharmacists’ access to patient vaccination records vary widely across countries and regions. Understanding the different models and country experiences is key to wider implementation. This event will feature pharmacy leadership bodies from across the world explaining their progress with access to records and how this impacts access to vaccination through pharmacies.

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Vaccines & special-risk groups: Pharmacy teams and all healthcare workers

March 9, 2023

Vaccination is one of the most effective measures to prevent disease transmission and protect populations from a variety of diseases that heavily impact individuals and health systems. Overall, through the provision of person-centred pharmaceutical services, pharmacists play a key role ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing, as well as promoting more effective, rational, and widespread use of vaccines. Among the different special-risk population groups for vaccine-preventable diseases, healthcare professionals are in contact with multiple patients daily and are therefore at increased risk of contracting and further spreading vaccine-preventable diseases.

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Enabling life-course immunisation through pharmacy-based vaccination: Access to data and vaccination records

February 2, 2023

FIP is committed to supporting countries to develop policies that enable pharmacies and pharmacists to deliver integrated vaccination services throughout the life-course and as part of wider national immunisation policies. This event is delivered as part of a new FIP programme supported by Pfizer, which aims to provide our members with approaches and tools for tackling key policy enablers that determine equity, access and sustainability of pharmacy-based life-course immunisation.

The success of pharmacy-based vaccination depends on various policy factors, one of which is access to data and vaccination records. FIP data shows that pharmacists’ access to patient vaccination records vary widely across countries and regions. Understanding the different models and country experiences is key to wider implementation. This event will feature pharmacy leadership bodies from across the world explaining their progress with access to records and how this impacts access to vaccination through pharmacies.

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Enabling life-course immunisation through pharmacy-based vaccination: Regulations and prescribing

January 18, 2023

FIP is committed to supporting countries to develop policies that enable pharmacies and pharmacists to deliver integrated vaccination services throughout the life-course and as part of wider national immunisation policies. This event is delivered as part of a new FIP programme supported by Pfizer, which aims to provide our members with approaches and tools for tackling key policy enablers that determine equity, access and sustainability of pharmacy-based life-course immunisation.

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Enabling life-course immunisation through pharmacy-based vaccination: Service remuneration models

December 6, 2022

Remuneration of pharmacy vaccinations is one of the key policy enablers of pharmacy-based vaccinations, and thus life-course immunisation. FIP data shows that remuneration models vary widely across countries and regions. Understanding the different models and country experiences is key to wider implementation. This event will feature a number of pharmacy leadership bodies sharing their remuneration models and journeys for the benefit of policy-enablement everywhere.

This event is delivered as part of a new FIP programme supported by Pfizer, which aims to provide our members with approaches and tools for tackling key policy enablers that determine equity, access and sustainability of pharmacy-based life-course immunisation.

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Global symposium: Why flu vaccination matters

October 13, 2022

Despite a temporary drop in the incidence of seasonal influenza during the pandemic, it will continue to represent a heavy burden for healthcare systems and societies overall. In a post-pandemic scenario, it will be crucial to protect and further advance the progress that had been achieved globally in terms of flu vaccination rates. This event will discuss why flu vaccination remains a priority, and how co-administration of flu and COVID-19 vaccines can provide a convenient and effective solution for driving vaccination uptake for both diseases. The event will also explore how pharmacists can contribute to flu vaccination strategies.

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Co-administration of flu and COVID vaccines: Improving convenience and vaccination coverage

September 6, 2022

Influenza and COVID-19 can have an important impact in health, productivity and quality of life, especially for vulnerable populations. Likewise, both diseases have vaccines that are available and support a lower risk of transmission of the disease.

Pharmacists can play a major role in reminding people to get vaccinated, building vaccine confidence and supporting their decision making, dispensing vaccines and, in some countries, administering those vaccines.  The coadministration of these vaccines can lead to an efficient and convenient way of improving vaccine uptake against both diseases. Community pharmacies’s accessibility and credibility put them in an ideal situation to provide this important service, thus making a valuable contribution to disease prevention.

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Le rôle des pharmaciens dans la prévention de la grippe et l’augmentation de la couverture vaccinale

September 1, 2022

This event will focus on pharmacists’ roles in influenza prevention through vaccination and increasing influenza vaccination coverage rate. The event will focus on the risks of influenza and showcase good practices from pharmacists across the continent on pharmacists’ public health role through influenza vaccination, digital health solutions in pharmacy on influenza vaccination and effective communication with patients to deliver flu vaccines on the right time. This event aims to improve pharmacists’ knowledge, improve pharmaceutical services delivery and overall health outcomes of the public in the context of influenza vaccination.

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Vaccines & special-risk groups: Cardiovascular diseases

July 21, 2022

Vaccination is one of the most effective measures to prevent disease transmission and protect populations from a variety of diseases that heavily impact individuals and health systems. Overall, through the provision of person-centred pharmaceutical services, pharmacists play a key role ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing, as well as promoting more effective, rational, and widespread use of vaccines. Among the different special-risk population groups for vaccine-preventable diseases, people living with cardiovascular diseases have particular vaccination needs that will be highlighted at this event.

Learning objectives:
By the end of the session participants should be able to:
• Understand the risks that this particular population group is exposed to with regards to vaccine-preventable diseases, as well as the benefits of being vaccinated
• Understand the main recommended vaccines for people living with cardiovascular diseases
• Discuss the role of pharmacists in supporting health literacy and vaccination of this special risk group

– Renly Lim, FIP YPG Immediate Past President, Research Fellow University of South Australia, Australia

– Alvaro Sosa Liprandi, President Interamerican Society of Cardiology, Argentina
– Tolulope Osigbesan, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer NCD Alliance, Switzerland
– John D. Grabenstein, RPh, PhD, Director of Scientific Communications Immunize.org, USA

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Vaccines & special-risk groups: Cardiovascular diseases (French translation)

July 21, 2022

Vaccination is one of the most effective measures to prevent disease transmission and protect populations from a variety of diseases that heavily impact individuals and health systems. Overall, through the provision of person-centred pharmaceutical services, pharmacists play a key role ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing, as well as promoting more effective, rational, and widespread use of vaccines. Among the different special-risk population groups for vaccine-preventable diseases, people living with cardiovascular diseases have particular vaccination needs that will be highlighted at this event.

Learning objectives:
By the end of the session participants should be able to:
• Understand the risks that this particular population group is exposed to with regards to vaccine-preventable diseases, as well as the benefits of being vaccinated
• Understand the main recommended vaccines for people living with cardiovascular diseases
• Discuss the role of pharmacists in supporting health literacy and vaccination of this special risk group

– Renly Lim, FIP YPG Immediate Past President, Research Fellow University of South Australia, Australia

– Alvaro Sosa Liprandi, President Interamerican Society of Cardiology, Argentina
– Tolulope Osigbesan, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer NCD Alliance, Switzerland
– John D. Grabenstein, RPh, PhD, Director of Scientific Communications Immunize.org, USA

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Vaccines & special-risk groups: Chronic Respiratory Conditions

June 29, 2022

Vaccination is one of the most effective measures to prevent disease transmission and protect populations from a variety of diseases that heavily impact individuals and health systems. Overall, through the provision of person-centred pharmaceutical services, pharmacists play a key role ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing, as well as promoting more effective, rational, and widespread use of vaccines. Among the different special-risk population groups, people living with chronic respiratory conditions have specific vaccination needs that will be discussed in this event.

By the end of the session participants should be able to:

-Understand the risks that this particular population group is exposed to with regards to vaccine-preventable diseases, as well as the benefits of being vaccinated
-Understand the main recommended vaccines for people living with chronic respiratory diseases
-Discuss the role of pharmacists in supporting health literacy and vaccination of this special risk group

-Peter Guthrey, Executive Committee Member of the Social and Administrative Pharmacy Section of FIP; Senior pharmacists – strategic policy The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia - Australia

-Ema Paulino,  President  National Association of Pharmacies, Portugal (ANF), Portugal
-Fiona Mosgrove, General Practitioner NHS Grampian, UK
-Carmen Baldonedo Mosteiro, Community Pharmacist. Member of the Respiratory task force of the Spanish Society of community Pharmacy (SEFAC), Spanish society of clinical, familiar and community Pharmacy (SEFAC), Spain

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Vaccines & special-risk groups: Chronic Respiratory Conditions (French translation)

June 29, 2022

La vaccination est l’une des mesures les plus efficaces pour prévenir la transmission des maladies et protéger les populations contre une variété de maladies qui ont un impact important sur les individus et les systèmes de santé. Globalement, en fournissant des services pharmaceutiques centrés sur la personne, les pharmaciens jouent un rôle clé pour garantir une vie saine et promouvoir le bien-être, ainsi que pour favoriser une utilisation plus efficace, rationnelle et généralisée des vaccins. Parmi les différents groupes de population à risque, les personnes vivant avec une affection respiratoire chronique ont des besoins spécifiques en matière de vaccination qui seront discutés lors de cet événement.

À la fin de la session, les participants devraient être en mesure de :

-Comprendre les risques auxquels ce groupe de population particulier est exposé en ce qui concerne les maladies évitables par la vaccination, ainsi que les avantages d’être vacciné.
-Comprendre les principaux vaccins recommandés pour les personnes vivant avec des maladies respiratoires chroniques.
-Discuter du rôle des pharmaciens dans l’éducation à la santé et la vaccination de ce groupe à risque particulier.

Modérateur :
-Peter Guthrey, membre du comité exécutif de la section de la pharmacie sociale et administrative de la FIP ; pharmaciens seniors – politique stratégique The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia – Australie

Panélistes :
-Ema Paulino, Président de l’Association Nationale des Pharmacies, Portugal (ANF), Portugal
Fiona Mosgrove, médecin généraliste NHS Grampian, Royaume-Uni.
-Carmen Baldonedo Mosteiro, pharmacien communautaire. Membre du groupe de travail sur les maladies respiratoires de la Société espagnole de pharmacie communautaire (SEFAC), Société espagnole de pharmacie clinique, familiale et communautaire (SEFAC), Espagne.

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The role of community pharmacies in COVID-19 booster vaccination: Opportunities and supply chain challenges in a post-pandemic scenario

April 26, 2022

Around the world, community pharmacies play an increasingly consolidated role in vaccination. During the pandemic, pharmacies’ accessibility made them a convenient place for vaccination against COVID-19 in several countries, increasing vaccination coverage and helping achieve herd immunity. As the world slowly begins to emerge from the pandemic, this event will discuss the role of community pharmacies in COVID-19 booster vaccination, and their challenges in vaccine supply logistics and cold storage solutions, particularly in a post-pandemic scenario. Key interventions by community pharmacists in vaccine supply logistics linked to COVID-19 from different parts of the world will be presented.

Learning objectives:

1. Understand the supply chain and distribution process of COVID-19 vaccines from manufacturer to hospitals, community pharmacies, and the public;

2. Explore the role of community pharmacies in vaccine supply logistics for COVID-19;

3. Discuss the challenges of COVID-19 booster vaccination supply logistics and cold storage solutions in community pharmacies, particularly in a post-pandemic scenario;

4. Explore supply models that involve community pharmacies contributing to population vaccination coverage in a post-pandemic scenario.

– Catherine Duggan, Chief Executive Officer FIP, the Netherlands

– Vibhu Paudyal, Associate Professor in Clinical Pharmacy University of Birmingham, UK
– Ronald T. Piervincenzi, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer USP, USA
– Loganathan Fahrni, Senior lecturer and pharmacist Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

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Advocating for the role of pharmacists in diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis booster, COVID-19, and meningococcal meningitis vaccinations

April 25, 2022

The importance of vaccines creates opportunities for pharmacists and pharmacies to contribute to improving vaccination coverage. Since the publication of FIP’s 2020 report on vaccinations highlighting the role of pharmacists and pharmacies in this area, there has been a significant expansion in pharmacy-based vaccination and the scope of vaccines delivered by pharmacists and the pharmacy workforce. To kick off World Immunisation Week, this digital event will provide an overview of that expansion for tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis booster, COVID-19, and meningitis vaccines. Moreover, it will allow participants to hear from countries in various stages of advocating for a broader role for pharmacists in vaccination.

Learning objectives:

  1. To identify the current role of the pharmacist in tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis booster, COVID vaccination, and meningococcal meningitis vaccination.
  2. To explore needs, drivers, and barriers for expanding that role in countries that have regulated pharmacy-based vaccination services.
  3. To give examples from countries with pharmacy-based vaccination services  in advocating a broader role for pharmacists in vaccination


– Ian Bates, Director of the FIP Global Pharmaceutical Observatory, Chair of pharmacy education, University College London, United Kingdom

– Manjiri Gharat, FIP Vice-President, India


– Carine Wolf-Thal, Chair of the National Council of the French Chamber of Pharmacists, French Chamber of Pharmacists, France

– Zhi Shan Sujata, Pharmacist, Malaysian Pharmacists Society, Malaysia

–  Sham Moodley, Pharmacist,  Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa/Independent Community Pharmacy Assoc, South Africa

– Zeid Kilani, President, Jordan Pharmacists Association, Jordan

– Mas Rahman Roestan, Operational Director of PT Biofarma and Expert Council of Indonesian Pharmacists Association, Indonesian Pharmacists Association, Indonesia

– Irma Beatriz Caponi, Farmacéutica, COFA, Argentina

Facilitators & Speakers:

– Christopher John, FIP Lead for Data and Intelligence, UK 

– Zheng Kang Lum, PhD candidate, National University of Singapore, Singapore

– Allie Jo Shipman, Director, State Policy, National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations, USA

– Sherly Meilianti, FIP Data and Intelligence Specialist, Indonesia

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Enabling multiprofessional vaccine prescribing and administration for improved uptake rates: Eastern Mediterranean Region

March 14, 2022

In many countries, vaccination coverage rates are suboptimal, and vaccination services are largely focused on childhood. Goals to expand vaccination pathways include to have more and more easily accessible vaccination points, and more professionals who can deliver the service to more people and offer evidence-based advice on vaccines. This event will discuss the drivers and barriers to interprofessional understanding, cooperation and task sharing in the area of vaccination in each region, and the regulatory authority granted to different healthcare professionals to prescribe and/or administer vaccines.

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Enabling multiprofessional vaccine prescribing and administration for improved uptake rates: Southeast Asian Region

March 10, 2022

In many countries, vaccination coverage rates are suboptimal, and vaccination services are largely focused on childhood. Goals to expand vaccination pathways include to have more and more easily accessible vaccination points, more professionals who can deliver the service to more people and offer evidence-based advice on vaccines. This event will discuss the drivers and barriers to interprofessional understanding, cooperation and task sharing in the area of vaccination in the region, and the regulatory authority granted to different healthcare professionals to prescribe and/or administer vaccines.

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Enabling multiprofessional vaccine prescribing and administration for improved uptake rates: African Region

March 7, 2022

In many countries, vaccination coverage rates are suboptimal, and vaccination services are largely focused on childhood. Goals to expand vaccination pathways include to have more and more easily accessible vaccination points, more professionals who can deliver the service to more people and offer evidence-based advice on vaccines. This event will discuss the drivers and barriers to interprofessional understanding, cooperation and task sharing in the area of vaccination in the region, and the regulatory authority granted to different healthcare professionals to prescribe and/or administer vaccines.

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Permettre la prescription et l’administration multiprofessionnelles des vaccins pour améliorer les taux de prise en charge: Région africaine

March 7, 2022

Dans de nombreux pays, les taux de couverture vaccinale sont sous-optimaux et les services de vaccination sont essentiellement axés sur l’enfance.

Les objectifs visant à développer les parcours de vaccination consistent notamment à disposer de points de vaccination plus nombreux et facilement accessibles, d’un plus grand nombre de professionnels capables de fournir le service à un plus grand nombre de personnes et d’offrir des conseils sur les vaccins fondés sur des données probantes.

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Enabling multiprofessional vaccine prescribing and administration for improved uptake rates: European Region

March 3, 2022

In many countries, vaccination coverage rates are suboptimal, and vaccination services are largely focused on childhood. Goals to expand vaccination pathways include to have more and more easily accessible vaccination points, and more professionals who can deliver the service to more people and offer evidence-based advice on vaccines. This event will discuss the drivers and barriers to interprofessional understanding, cooperation and task sharing in the area of vaccination in each region, and the regulatory authority granted to different healthcare professionals to prescribe and/or administer vaccines.

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Enabling multiprofessional vaccine prescribing and administration for improved uptake rates: Americas Region

March 1, 2022

In many countries, vaccination coverage rates are suboptimal, and vaccination services are largely focused on childhood. Goals to expand vaccination pathways include to have more and more easily accessible vaccination points, and more professionals who can deliver the service to more people and offer evidence-based advice on vaccines. This event will discuss the drivers and barriers to interprofessional understanding, cooperation and task sharing in the area of vaccination in each region, and the regulatory authority granted to different healthcare professionals to prescribe and/or administer vaccines.

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Permitir la prescripción y administración multiprofesional de vacunas para mejorar las tasas de vacunación: Región de las Américas

March 1, 2022

En muchos países, las tasas de cobertura de vacunación no son óptimas, y los servicios de vacunación se centran principalmente en la infancia. Los objetivos para ampliar las vías de acceso a la vacunación incluyen disponer de más puntos de vacunación de fácil acceso, más profesionales que puedan prestar el servicio a un mayor número de personas y ofrecer asesoramiento basado en la evidencia sobre las vacunas. En este evento se debatirán los factores que impulsan y obstaculizan el entendimiento interprofesional, la cooperación y el reparto de tareas en el ámbito de la vacunación en la región, así como la autoridad normativa concedida a los distintos profesionales sanitarios para prescribir y/o administrar vacunas.

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Enabling multiprofessional vaccine prescribing and administration for improved uptake rates: Western Pacific Region

February 28, 2022

In many countries, vaccination coverage rates are suboptimal, and vaccination services are largely focused on childhood. Goals to expand vaccination pathways include to have more and more easily accessible vaccination points, and more professionals who can deliver the service to more people and offer evidence-based advice on vaccines. This event will discuss the drivers and barriers to interprofessional understanding, cooperation and task sharing in the area of vaccination in each region, and the regulatory authority granted to different healthcare professionals to prescribe and/or administer vaccines.

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Leadership summit on pharmacy-based vaccination policy and advocacy

November 18, 2021

The Leadership Summit– the programme finale – is a high-level event in which we recap the primary outcomes of the 12-event digital series. Together, we will adopt the FIP Commitment to Action on sustainable and equitable access to vaccines through pharmacy which will be launched during the Summit. Global leaders from health and pharmacy join this landmark event.

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Presentación del documento técnico Servicios farmacéuticos en inmunización: aportes, experiencias e implementación en la región de las Américas.

November 17, 2021

El documento técnico, Servicios farmacéuticos en inmunización: Aportes, experiencias e implementación en la región de las Américas, elaborado por el Centro de Información de Medicamentos del Instituto de Investigaciones Farmacéuticas de la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Costa Rica para el Foro Farmacéutico de las Américas (FFA), ofrece una visión general de la participación del profesional en farmacia en temas de vacunas y en servicios farmacéuticos en inmunización en América Latina. En este webinar de presentación, se hará una reseña de sus contenidos y la relación con los objetivos de desarrollo de la Federación Internacional Farmacéutica (FIP). Este documento tiene la pretensión de constituirse en una herramienta para la implementación de servicios farmacéuticos en inmunización en la región que complementa las formuladas y emitidas por la FIP.

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Sustainable and equitable access to vaccines: Establishing priorities and setting policies in the African region

November 4, 2021

In the final sixth of six regions we dissect, event 11 focuses on the regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination in the African region. This involves identifying priorities in the region’s countries with regards equity and access to vaccinations. We also discuss barriers and challenges and regional needs in relation to policy setting. FIP members, stakeholders and partners from the African region join us for a true regional perspective.

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Sustainable and equitable access to vaccines: Establishing priorities and setting policies in the Western Pacific region

October 28, 2021

In the fifth of six regions we dissect, event 10 focuses on the regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination in the Western Pacific region. This involves identifying priorities in the region’s countries with regards equity and access to vaccinations. We also discuss barriers and challenges and regional needs in relation to policy setting. FIP members, stakeholders and partners from the Western Pacific region join us for a true regional perspective.

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Sustainable and equitable access to vaccines: Establishing priorities and setting policies in the South East Asian region

October 26, 2021

In the fourth of six regions we dissect, event 9 focuses on the regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination in the South East Asian region. This involves identifying priorities in the region’s countries with regards equity and access to vaccinations. We also discuss barriers and challenges and regional needs in relation to policy setting. FIP members, stakeholders and partners from the South East Asian region join us for a true regional perspective.

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Joining forces across civil society organisations towards improved vaccination coverage

October 21, 2021

Vaccination coverage rates for several diseases are suboptimal and remain below WHO targets in many countries of all income levels. For FIP, it is essential to engage with civil society organisations representing different constituencies – from patient advocacy groups to older adult organisations and to vaccination advocates – to discuss and outline synergistic and complementary advocacy actions for broader access and convenience of vaccination services through a diversity of providers and pathways. This event gathered different civil society organisations to express their concerns, best practices and expectations, namely with regards to the role of pharmacists, for improving vaccination coverage, and to identify potential alignments in advocacy strategies.

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Sustainable and equitable access to vaccines: Establishing priorities and setting policies in the European region

October 14, 2021

In the third of six regions we focuses on the regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination in the European region. This involves identifying priorities in the region’s countries with regards equity and access to vaccinations. We also discuss barriers and challenges and regional needs in relation to policy setting. FIP members, stakeholders and partners from the European region join us for a true regional perspective.

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Confidence, complacency and convenience: Key elements of influenza vaccination strategies in times of COVID-19

October 12, 2021

This digital event discussed how important it is to promote confidence in influenza vaccines and avoid complacency towards vaccination due to lower influenza rates in the past year. Harnessing the convenience of access to pharmacies will be paramount to achieve these goals. Due to the widespread adoption of disease prevention measures to reduce transmission of COVID-19, the prevalence of the seasonal influenza lowered drastically around the world. However, as more people become vaccinated against COVID-19 and measures such as mask wearing, social distancing and home-based working or schooling are eased, the flu could return with high incidence rates and people could be more susceptible to the influenza virus due to lack of recent exposure. Developing flu vaccines this year has also been more challenging than usual due to less data available. This uncertainty around the return of influenza makes vaccination all the more critical, and it essential to communicate this to the population.

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Sustainable and equitable access to vaccines: Establishing priorities and setting policies in the Eastern Mediterranean region

October 7, 2021

In the second of six regions we dissect, event 7 focuses on the regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination in the Eastern Mediterranean region. This involves identifying priorities in the region’s countries with regards equity and access to vaccinations. We also discuss barriers and challenges and regional needs in relation to policy setting. FIP members, stakeholders and partners from the Eastern Mediterranean region join us for a true regional perspective.

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Acceso sostenible y equitativo a las vacunas: Establecimiento de prioridades y fijación de políticas en la región de las Américas

October 1, 2021

En la primera de las seis regiones que analizaremos, este evento se centrará en las necesidades y los catalizadores a nivel regional para transformar las estrategias de vacunación en las Américas. Se trata de identificar las prioridades de los países de la región en materia de equidad y acceso a la vacunación. También discutiremos las barreras, los desafíos y las necesidades regionales en relación con el establecimiento de políticas de vacunación. Los miembros de la FIP, y otras organizaciones y socios relevantes de la región de las Américas participarán conjuntamente para obtener una verdadera perspectiva regional sobre este asunto.

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Sustainable and equitable access to vaccines: Establishing priorities and setting policies in the Americas region

September 30, 2021

In the first of six regions we dissect, event 6 focuses on the regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination in the Americas. This involves identifying priorities in the region’s countries with regards equity and access to vaccinations. We also discuss barriers and challenges and regional needs in relation to policy setting. FIP members, stakeholders and partners from the Americas region, join us for a true regional perspective.

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Working together across systems to transform vaccination policy: working with others in our professions, with other disciplines and agencies to establish sustainable policies

September 23, 2021

This event focused on intra and interprofessional alliances to ensure that we can work together to deliver the areas of policy addressed in this series. Panellists discussed working together with other agencies and policymakers to establish sustainable policies on vaccines access and equity, including how pharmacy can be a force of good in supporting vaccinations for all health workers.

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Understanding vaccine hesitancy and building vaccine confidence through effective conversations

September 8, 2021

The World Health Organization has listed vaccine hesitancy — concerns related to vaccination or outright refusal to receive vaccines despite availability — as one of the top 10 threats to global health in 2019. This threat is evidenced by recent outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases in many high-income countries and the sheer volume of disinformation circulating regarding the recently approved vaccines against COVID-19.

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Health illiteracy and vaccine misinformation as determinants for equity: developing policies to establish access to quality information in an equitable way

August 26, 2021

This event focused on the issues around health literacy and access to information. The societal influences on the ‘’infodemic’’ will be laid out, also the role of health care professionals, health workers and be vaccine hesitant people. We considered all the policy elements that need to be addressed to overcome this, identifying tools to overcome these issues from a range of angles and the role pharmacy can play.

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Vaccinations and the genders: Examining inequities in gender access and handling of vaccinations globally to inform pharmacy policy

August 10, 2021

Episode 3 examines inequities in gender access to vaccines to inform pharmacy policy. Various angles to vaccinations and the gender will be discussed including general gender access, terms of empowering women as caregivers to support vaccinations, the impact of COVID-19 on gender inequity, and the issues around gender inequity in the workforce (which is especially important to discuss in 2020 Year of the Health Worker).

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Developing Effective Pharmacy-led Vaccination Campaigns

July 26, 2021

The World Health Organization lists vaccine hesitancy—concerns related to vaccination or outright refusal to receive vaccines despite availability—as one of the top ten threats to global health in 2019. This threat is evidenced by recent outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases in many high-income countries and the sheer volume of disinformation circulating regarding the recently approved vaccines against novel Sars-Cov-2 virus.

Often times, “one-size-fits-all” vaccine promotion efforts can backfire when presented to individuals who are already sceptical of vaccines. This event will outline evidenced-based strategies for developing pharmacy-led immunization campaigns which communicate the value of vaccines to specific patient groups in order to build vaccine confidence and improve uptake.

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Equity, access & sustainability through life’s ages and stages: Enabling a life course-approach to vaccination

July 8, 2021

Episode 2 takes a life-course approach to discussing vaccination. The panelists will focus on age and explore vaccines equity and access through life’s ages and stages – from childhood (including pregnancy) to later adulthood – from a pharmacy perspective. They will focus on setting out the policy issues and immediate next steps, determining what pharmacy needs to do to singularly affect the most change in this area.

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Joining forces across health professionals towards improved vaccination coverage

June 29, 2021

Vaccination coverage rates for several diseases are suboptimal and remain below WHO targets in many countries of all income levels. As such, FIP considers that it is essential to promote dialogue and understanding around these perceptions among healthcare professionals’ organisations at the international level, so that these can be cascaded to the regional, country and local levels.

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Introducing the FIP ‘Transforming Vaccination Globally, Regional and Nationally’ 2021: Accelerating equity, access and sustainability through policy development and implementation

June 17, 2021

Episode 1, the digital programme’s Opening Event, will set the stage for the entire programme. Together we will revisit the key outcomes of the Transforming Vaccination 2020 programme, specifically focusing on the outcomes relating to shaping policy around equity, access and sustainability and how they are shaping the FIP vaccination agenda for 2021. We will also describe this year’s programme, outline its key aims and objectives as well as outcomes. This special programme opener is for anyone invested in transforming and shaping vaccination in pharmacy!

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Pharmacists’ involvement in COVID-19 vaccination: Addressing regulatory needs

February 4, 2021

FIP’s Regulators’ Forum presented a new regulatory vaccination preparedness self-assessment tool and risk assessment. Foundational regulatory needs were presenteded to ensure oversight, quality assurance and public protection as the scope of pharmacist’s patient care is expanded to include prescribing, vaccination and testing in order to address population health needs during a pandemic. A brief overview of the data collected by FIP on the role of pharmacists in vaccinations and other FIP documents was also presented.

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Global Immunization Initiatives: Implementing Lifelong Learning to Address Mass Vaccination

January 21, 2021

This session will examine the application of the concepts of the Health Belief Model (HBM) which is one of the first and still most commonly used frameworks or theories of health behavior. There has been successful application of the HBM in health and wellness programs, including immunization and chronic diseases management. As such, the application of HBM will be illustrated in a flu awareness campaign that targeted Lebanese University students. Examples of improving immunization rates and addressing patient perceptions in an ambulatory care setting in the U.S. will also be discussed.

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Vaccine administration routes and procedures: frequent concerns and common errors

January 13, 2021

Although pharmacists have administered vaccines in several countries for years, this role is still new or even unknown to the profession in many parts of the world. As a role that involves direct contact with the patient and the administration of a product by injection, it may still generate some concerns among pharmacists with regards to the administration procedure, common errors and the management of anaphylactic reactions. This webinar will describe such procedures and address common questions and concerns.

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FIP Global Virtual Summit: Committing to action to transform vaccination in pharmacy

December 17, 2020

This global virtual Summit – the programme finale – is a high-level event in which we will recap the primary outcomes of the 24-event digital series. Together, we will adopt the FIP Commitment to Action on Vaccination in Pharmacy which will be launched during the Summit. Global leaders from health and pharmacy join this landmark event.

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From regional to global: Common priorities for action to transform vaccination

December 15, 2020

This roundtable event follows 6 regional events – episodes 3.1 to 3.6 of the programme – which dissected priorties, needs and barriers across the world’s six regions. We now bring back the key outcomes from the six regional discussions int one roundtable to identify common priorities for action to transform vaccination. Each regional perspective will be represented by the panelists, alongside other leaders and stakeholders.

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Necesidades e impulsores regionales de la transformación de la vacunación: Américas

December 10, 2020

Event 3.6 focuses on the regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination in the Americas region. This involves discussing the progress made in countries in the Americas with regards to pharmacist vaccination, the quality and universal access to vaccinations. We also discuss barriers and challenges and regional needs for future transformation.

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Regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination: Africa

December 9, 2020

In the fifth of six regions we dissect, event 3.5 focuses on the regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination in the African region. This involves discussing the progress made in Africa with regards to pharmacist vaccination, the quality and universal access to vaccinations. We also discuss barriers and challenges and regional needs for future transformation. FIP members, stakeholders and partners from Africa join us for a true regional perspective.

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Regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination: Western Pacific

December 8, 2020

In the fourth of six regions we dissect, event 3.4 focuses on the regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination in the Western Pacific. This involves discussing the progress made in Western Pacific countries with regards to pharmacist vaccination, the quality and universal access to vaccinations. We also discuss barriers and challenges and regional needs for future transformation. FIP members, stakeholders and partners from the Western Pacific join us for a true regional perspective.

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Regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination: Eastern Mediterranean

December 3, 2020

In the third of six regions we dissect, event 3.3 focuses on the regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination in the Eastern Mediterranean region (EMR). This involves discussing the progress made in EMR countries with regards to pharmacist vaccination, the quality and universal access to vaccinations. We also discuss barriers and challenges and regional needs for future transformation. FIP members, stakeholders and partners from the EMR join us for a true regional perspective.

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Regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination: South East Asia

December 2, 2020

In the second of six regions we dissect, event 3.2 focuses on the regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination in the South East Asian region (SEAR). This involves discussing the progress made in SEAR countries with regards to pharmacist vaccination, the quality and universal access to vaccinations. We also discuss barriers and challenges and regional needs for future transformation. FIP members, stakeholders and partners from the SEAR join us for a true regional perspective.

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Regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination: Europe

December 1, 2020

In the first of six regions we dissect, event 3.1 focuses on the regional needs and drivers for transforming vaccination in Europe. This involves discussing the progress made in European countries with regards to pharmacist vaccination, the quality and universal access to vaccinations. We also discuss barriers and challenges and regional needs for future transformation. FIP members, stakeholders and partners from the European region join us for a true regional perspective.

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Communicating vaccine safety, building vaccine confidence

November 27, 2020

This event will discuss how the quality, efficacy and safety of vaccines are built into their development and manufacturing processes, including the clinical research they undergo and the strict regulatory assessment that precedes their marketing authorization. In addition, speakers will discuss how to make such processes understood and well-known by the public in a transparent and clear manner, in order to build confidence in vaccines and address the grave problem of vaccine hesitancy and anti-vaccines movements, i.e., the refusal to get vaccinated despite the availability of vaccines.

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Setting transformative goals for vaccination globally

November 25, 2020

In this episode – “Setting Transformation Goals for Vaccination Globally” – is a roundtable discussion that focuses on the role of the FIP Development Goals in the transformation of pharmacist vaccination globally and regionally. The discussion will focus on the development of transformative goals and how these goals will be used to deliver pharmacist vaccinators in all jurisdictions, resulting in increased vaccination rates worldwide

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Pharmacist vaccinators and patient safety: FIP DG 19 Patient Safety

November 11, 2020

In this episode – “Pharmacist Vaccinators as a way to improve access to medicines” – is an interview format that focuses on the FIP Development Goal 18: Access to Medicines and Services from the perspective of vaccination by a pharmacist. The role of pharmacists in ensuring that vaccinations are widely and easily accessible by all people in all areas of the world, and the expertise of pharmacists in delivering the logistics and services needed to increase vaccination rates.

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Pharmacist vaccinators and antimicrobial stewardship: FIP DG 17 Antimicrobial Stewardship

November 11, 2020

In this episode – “Pharmacist Vaccinators and Antimicrobial Stewardship” – is an interview format that focuses on the FIP Development Goal 17: Antimicrobial Stewardship from the perspective of vaccination by a pharmacist. The role of vaccination in antimicrobial stewardship, preserving antimicrobial effectiveness, preventing antimicrobial resistance, and the promise of addressing these issues that pharmacists vaccinators will deliver.

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Pharmacist vaccinators and communicable disease management: FIP DG 16 Communicable Diseases

November 10, 2020

In this episode – “Pharmacist Vaccinators and Communicable Disease Management” – is an interview format that focuses on the FIP Development Goal 16: communicable and Vector Diseases from the perspective of vaccination by a pharmacist. The role of vaccination in the prevention and suppression of communicable and vector-borne disease, and the promise of addressing these diseases that pharmacists vaccinators will deliver.

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Removing policy barriers to pharmacist vaccinations: FIP DG 13 Policy Development

November 5, 2020

In this episode, “Removing Policy Barriers to Pharmacist Vaccination” – is an interview format that focuses on the FIP Development Goal 13: Policy Development from the perspective of vaccination by a pharmacist. We discuss the process of policy development, identification of barriers, and engagement with stakeholders to ensure that pharmacist vaccination is accessible to all people in all settings where pharmacists work.

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Empowering pharmacists to deliver vaccination at the health-system level: FIP DG 7 Advancing Integrated Services

November 3, 2020

In this episode, “Empowering Pharmacists to Deliver Vaccination in all Settings” – is an interview format that focuses on the FIP Development Goal 7: Advanced Integrated Services from the perspective of vaccination by pharmacist. We discuss change management principles in the context of integrating advanced practice services into every day practice, ensuring that vaccination by pharmacists in all settings and jurisdictions is consistent with best evidence and practice guidelines. Where a pharmacist is present in all settings, vaccinations can be provided. Ensuring collaborative work and shared documentation with all healthcare professionals to ensure it is an integrated service.

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Vaccination from specialist practice to every day practice: FIP DG 4 Advanced & Specialist Development

October 28, 2020

In this episode – “Vaccination: From Specialist Practice to Everyday Practice” – is an interview format that focuses on the FIP Development Goal 4: Advanced & Specialist Development from the perspective of vaccination by a pharmacist. We discuss the process required to take vaccination by pharmacists from a specialized field that few pharmacists deliver in some jurisdictions, to a standard part of pharmacists’ care in all settings and locations.

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L’hiver arrive : La vaccination contre la grippe en période de COVID-19. Bonnes pratiques des pays francophones

October 22, 2020

La grippe saisonnière représente une charge de morbidité importante pour le système de santé et un risque pour plusieurs groupes de population, notamment les personnes âgées, les personnes souffrant d’affections sous-jacentes, les femmes enceintes et d’autres.
La menace d’une deuxième épidémie de COVID-19 est très réelle, et le risque que les deux virus entraînent une morbidité et une mortalité combinées ne peut être négligé.

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Reviewing the FIP Transforming Vaccination Programme: Enabling and supporting our profession

October 21, 2020

Scope: Transforming Vaccination with the FIP Development Goals: Brining practice, science and workforce together

What were the key insights and summaries from each of the events so far?

What was the one key message you gathered from that presentation, what was the main need identified from the presentation?

What is one key change you think that could be implemented to address this change?

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FIP Transforming Vaccination Globally and Regionally. Transforming our workforce: Evolving the pharmacist’s qualification

October 15, 2020

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Avances en el desarrollo de vacunas contra COVID-19 e importancia de la vacunación en tiempos de pandemia

October 7, 2020

Tras la irrupción de la infección respiratoria por el nuevo coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, el desarrollo de vacunas capaces de proporcionar protección individual y poblacional frente a este virus se presenta como uno de los pilares fundamentales para controlar su expansión. Por otro lado, entre los numerosos efectos de la pandemia actual, conviene destacar los relacionados con la interrupción de los servicios básicos de salud, entre ellos, los programas de vacunación que están sufriendo importantes caídas y demoras en la mayoría de los países. En esta conferencia se abordarán las diferentes vacunas que se están en progreso para COVID-19, las tecnologías utilizadas y los adelantos en su desarrollo, así como la importancia de reestablecer y mantener los sistemas de inmunización.

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From smallpox to COVID-19: Vaccine development & innovation

October 6, 2020

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Addressing barriers to uptake: Adherence, misinformation & anti-Science

October 5, 2020

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Enabling practice: Empowering pharmacists & removing barriers

October 2, 2020

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Transforming practice: A focus on strategy & policy for global change

October 1, 2020

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Introducing the FIP ‘Transforming Vaccination Globally & Regionally’ series Programme… needs, action and outcomes

September 25, 2020

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The value of vaccines for society and special populations

September 18, 2020

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Influenza vaccination – Strategic elements of development, supply and delivery for optimal prevention

September 16, 2020

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Can the world afford low vaccination coverage rates? Broadening vaccination gateways through pharmacies

September 15, 2020

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Give it a shot: Advocating for pharmacy-based vaccination and achieving legislative changes

September 3, 2020

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An overview of current pharmacy impact on immunisation – Presentation of key findings from FIP’s global report 2020

August 6, 2020

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Increasing vaccination coverage through pharmacists | Episode 2: Who’s immune to fake news? Addressing patient motivation and vaccine hesitancy

July 28, 2020

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Winter is coming: Influenza vaccination in times of COVID19–Best practices from Southern Hemisphere

July 2, 2020

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Mass vaccination campaigns

April 23, 2020

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Partnerships are crucial to advocate for a broader role for pharmacy in vaccination. Over the years, FIP has collaborated and joined efforts with several organisations with aligned agendas in the area of vaccination.

The different organisations that have worked with FIP in this area are highlighted in this section, including the details of their partnership and areas of collaboration.

IFAA – Immunisation for all ages

Initiative Overview

The goal of the Immunisation for All Ages initiative is to accelerate and advance policies that advocate for life-course vaccination by communicating the broader societal value of vaccination for all stages of life at a global and local level, such that policymakers, NGOs, governments, healthcare providers (HCPs) and citizens will support policies that prioritize vaccinations. The mission of IFAA is to expand and improve public awareness and policies that advocate for life course vaccination by learning from and building upon good practices and championing initiatives that will protect lives at all stages around the world. The IFAA is supported by Pfizer.

Steering Committee

The Immunisation for All Ages Steering Committee is responsible for guiding the direction and activities for the initiative with two overarching objectives:

  • Identify where the Immunisation for All Ages network is uniquely positioned to address the current challenges, expand awareness, acceptance and access to life-course vaccination advocacy, as well as conduct strategic action planning using insights of the evolving global landscape for life course vaccination;
  • Provide guidance and advice on leveraging annual summits to advance the collective strategic vision and lead initiatives that will be supported by a working group of other Immunisation for All Ages initiative participants or members.

Current Steering Committee members include:

  • Dr. Jane Barratt, Global Advisor, International Federation of Ageing (IFA)
  • Prof. Michael Moore AM PhD, Chair, Immunization Task Force, World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA)
  • Gonçalo Sousa Pinto, Lead for Practice Transformation, International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)
  • David Sinclair, Chief Executive, International Longevity Centre (ILC-UK)
  • Dr. Stefania Maggi, President, European Interdisciplinary Council on Ageing
  • Prof. Charles Feldman, Professor of Pulmonology, University of Witwatersrand

IFAA Advocacy resources

Click on the following links to access disease-specific advocacy resources. These relevant data and references build the case for increased investment and action to improve vaccination coverage against these diseases.

Influenza infographic
Influenza Infographic
COVID-19 infographic
Covid-19 Infographic
Pneumococcal disease infographic
Pneumococcal Infographic
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infographic
RSV Infographic
Infographic on the importance of immunisation for all ages
Immunisation for all ages Infographic

International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations – Influenza Vaccine Supply – IFPMA IVS

The Covid-19 pandemic has taught us a lot. Amongst other things, we’ve learnt about the importance of protecting the most vulnerable people in our societies, particularly older adults and patients with underlying medical conditions.
We need to improve influenza vaccination rates and, in doing so, reduce the burden of influenza disease nationally, regionally and globally. That’s why the IFPMA, IFA and FIP have joined forces to develop a common basis for a network communication strategy around influenza vaccination.
We’ve been working on our #TogetherAgainstFlu online campaign, together with the digital agency ZN. The objective is to keep raising awareness of the importance of flu vaccination and herd immunity for healthcare workers, older adults and patients living with chronic conditions, such as respiratory and heart diseases.
We are taking a network approach to reach these audiences. Evidence-based messages targeted at different stakeholders, opinion leaders and decision-makers will support their advocacy for implementation of existing recommendations for the prevention and control of seasonal influenza.
And we are looking to expand our influenza network. We are looking for other groups/organizations to partner with us in sharing the campaign messages across their audiences.
Join the influenza network. Help us spread us the messages around the importance of flu vaccination.

Influenza Diabetes Community

Founded in 1998, The European Scientific Working group on Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses (ESWI) is a network organisation that aims to reduce the burden of influenza and other acute respiratory viruses in Europe. The Influenza Diabetes Community is a focus area for ESWI and serves as a virtual reference center, containing materials supplied by the IDC members on the importance of influenza vaccination for people with diabetes.

People with diabetes still face a higher risk for influenza and its complications. National and international guidelines therefore advise that diabetes patients be annually vaccinated against influenza. More information can be found in the Influenza Diabetes Community website.

FIP is a member of the IDC since 2020. This gives us the opportunity to voice and advocate for the role that pharmacists can play both in immunisation and in the care of people living with diabetes. It also gives us access to an interdisciplinary forum of experts in this area, which supports FIP in advancing our work on these topics.

Vaccines Today

Vaccines Today has been online since 2011. The site is supported by Vaccines Europe, independently accredited by Health on the Net and is an active member of the WHO Vaccine Safety Net network. Its content is written by professional health journalists and actively reviewed by an Editorial Board of doctors, scientists and patient representatives. FIP is proudly joining this group of more than 20 organisations including the Immunization Action Coalition, History of Vaccines, the World Medical Association and Vaccine Ambassadors in the promotion of vaccination uptake and coverage around the world.

TBPPM Learning Network

The TBPPM Learning Network is a dynamic online community, fostering South-South learning and exchanges to engage private providers in TB prevention and care. With over 2600 members and organizations, the community convenes in webinars, discussion forums, workshops and documents lessons learned in Feature stories and knowledge products. The online platform functions as a resource center, learning stage and connector.

Transforming Vaccination Programme

In partnership with Pfizer, in 2020 FIP launched the first digital programme of its kind “Transforming Vaccinations Globally and Regionally” that addresses the essential role pharmacists play in saving the lives of millions through the provision of vaccines. The programme was a three-part series, each consisting of 8 online events.

In 2021, FIP is renewing its partnership with Pfizer and is launching its second programme that focuses more on the equity and sustainability of vaccinations. Building on the outcomes of the 2020 programme, the FIP 2021 digital programme focuses on supporting FIP members in accelerating programmes of equity, access and sustainability of vaccinations through policy development and implementation. The 12 events explore equity in vaccinations across the different angles of age, gender, literacy & education, and interprofessional unity & collaboration. Regional roundtables will discuss and identify priorities for sustainable access to vaccinations through pharmacies around the world. The programme will result in a FIP commitment to accelerate equity, access and sustainability through policy development and implementation, as well as a special policy collection capturing the outcomes of this transformation programme.

The full details of this programme can be found at its dedicated website https://transformingvaccination.fip.org/

External Resources

Position Paper – Adult Vaccination Strategies: The importance of a committed and international adult vaccination strategy

Life Course Immunisation (LCI) presents an advocacy framework for protection against vaccine-preventable diseases throughout the course of our lives. Investing in a life-course approach in national immunisation programmes brings wide health and economic benefits, protects all ages from vaccine-preventable infectious diseases, and reduces disease burden, better preparing us all to live longer and more productive lives. In a context where older persons comprise the world’s fastest-growing age group, maintaining a healthy, fit older population will become very important for individuals. LCI strategies are a cost-effective means of improving health throughout the duration of adult life. Adult vaccination not only reduces the incidence and severity of infectious diseases but also reduces the incidence and severity of comorbidities with noncommunicable conditions.
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IFPMA Country landscape report on life-course immunisation

Immunization is the greatest success story of the twentieth century. Vaccines eliminated most of the childhood diseases that used to cause millions of deaths, making possible a life without disabilities caused by certain communicable diseases like polio for the first time in human history. In the twenty first century, though, the fruits of modern medicine are not reaching some of the most vulnerable, making global health insecure against vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) once more.
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ASHP Statement on the Pharmacist’s Role in Public Health

Pharmacists play a vital role in maintaining and promoting public health. All pharmacists have a responsibility to participate in global, national, state, regional, and institutional efforts to promote public health and to integrate the goals of those initiatives into their practices. Furthermore, pharmacists have a responsibility to work with public health planners to ensure their involvement in public health policy decision-making and in the planning, development, and implementation of public health efforts.
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Data Visualisation

Advocacy and policy resources

Achieving pharmacy-based vaccination: Advocacy strategies and stakeholder engagement

This infographic outlines the progression toward implementing pharmacy-based vaccination in seven countries. It showcases the role of advocacy in policy change and the importance of collaboration among healthcare professionals, policymakers and the public for successful implementation.

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Vaccine administration and prescribing by pharmacists: Scope of services, training and impact

This infographic examines the role of pharmacists in delivering vaccinations. It provides insights into the scope of their practice, required training, and the overall impact of pharmacist-led vaccination efforts, highlighting successful models from seven countries: Australia, Canada, France, Ireland, Portugal, the UK, and the US.

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Funding and reimbursement models for pharmacy-based vaccination

This infographic outlines how seven countries finance and reimburse vaccination services in pharmacies. It also highlights the economic and healthcare benefits of pharmacist-led vaccination programmes, including cost-savings, improved coverage, and reduced strain on healthcare systems.


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The journey towards achieving pharmacy-based vaccination

This video provides an overview of the pharmacy-based vaccination (PBV) programme across seven countries–Australia, Canada, France, Ireland, Portugal, the UK and the USA. It covers key discussions on policy evolution with the aim of sharing knowledge on the PBV journey, highlighting best practices, enablers, and challenges from countries that have successfully implemented PBV programme.

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Engagement of key stakeholders, success factors and challenges in implementing pharmacy-based vaccination

This video provides an overview of the pharmacy-based vaccination (PBV) programme across seven countries–Australia, Canada, France, Ireland, Portugal, the UK and the USA. It covers key discussions on stakeholder engagement with the aim of sharing knowledge on the PBV journey, highlighting best practices, enablers, and challenges from countries that have successfully implemented PBV programme.

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Vaccine administration and prescribing by pharmacists – Scope of services, training and impact

This video provides an overview of the pharmacy-based vaccination (PBV) programme across seven countries–Australia, Canada, France, Ireland, Portugal, the UK and the USA. It covers key discussions on vaccine administration and prescribing authority with the aim of sharing knowledge on the PBV journey, highlighting best practices, enablers, and challenges from countries that have successfully implemented PBV programme.

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Funding and reimbursement models for pharmacy-based vaccination

This video provides an overview of the pharmacy-based vaccination (PBV) programme across seven countries–Australia, Canada, France, Ireland, Portugal, the UK and the USA. It covers key discussions on funding and reimbursement models with the aim of sharing knowledge on the PBV journey, highlighting best practices, enablers, and challenges from countries that have successfully implemented PBV programme.

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The value of pharmacy-based vaccination – Global overview

This CPD bite video by Dr Catherine Duggan, chief executive officer at FIP, highlights the value of leveraging pharmacists as providers of vaccination services.


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Leadership testimonial of pharmacy-based vaccination in Portugal

To showcase the impact of pharmacy-based vaccinations in Helder Mota Filipe, President of the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society, shares a compelling narrative and experiences that underscore the vital role pharmacies play in vaccination efforts.

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Leadership testimonial of pharmacy-based vaccination in Australia

To showcase the impact of pharmacy-based vaccinations in Australia, Peter Guthrey, Senior pharmacist, Strategic policy, at the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, shares a compelling narrative and experiences that underscore the vital role pharmacies play in vaccination efforts.

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Leadership testimonial of pharmacy-based vaccination in Brazil

To showcase the impact of pharmacy-based vaccinations in Brazil, Joselia Frade from the Federal Council of Pharmacy in Brazil shares a compelling narrative and experiences that underscore the vital role pharmacies play in vaccination efforts.

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Leadership testimonial of pharmacy-based vaccination in Jordan

To showcase the impact of pharmacy-based vaccinations in Jordan, Salah Kandil Shubair, Board member, Jordan Pharmacists Association shares a compelling narrative and experiences that underscore the vital role pharmacies play in vaccination efforts.

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Leadership testimonial of pharmacy-based vaccination in Italy

To showcase the impact of pharmacy-based vaccinations in Italy, Erminia Pietrobono, the international affairs officer at Federfarma, Italy shares a compelling narrative and experiences that underscore the vital role pharmacies play in vaccination efforts.

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The value of FIP data for advocacy of an expanded role of pharmacists in vaccination

Based on FIP data, Dr Catherine Duggan, chief executive officer at FIP, highlights the vital role of pharmacies in vaccine promotion, advocacy, and administration, emphasising the importance of leveraging pharmacists’ accessibility and convenience as vaccination pathways for all ages globally.


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The value of pharmacy-based vaccination — Global overview

This presentation by Gonçalo Sousa Pinto, the lead for practice transformation at FIP, provides a global overview and analyses recent trends in pharmacy-based vaccination (PBV) around the world, invites governments, policymakers, and all stakeholders to consider how pharmacists are making a huge contribution to vaccination delivery globally and advocates PBV implementation in countries where pharmacists are not yet authorised to administer or prescribe vaccines.

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Advancing pharmacy-based vaccination with FIP data — FIP podcast

This short podcast provides a quick overview of the global situation  in relation to the evolving role of pharmacists in vaccination, as well as recent developments and success stories, and some tips on advocating for change and overcoming challenges.

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The expanding role of pharmacists in global vaccination efforts — FIP podcast

In this podcast, Dr Catherine Duggan, chief executive officer at FIP, and Gonçalo Sousa Pinto, FIP lead for practice transformation share insights on the public health importance of vaccination, the expanding role of pharmacists and examine the global trends in pharmacy-based vaccination.

0:00:05: Know the speakers

0:00:44: Introduction: Vaccination’s role in public health and the increasing involvement of pharmacists

0:04:30: The critical role of immunisation in global health

0:08:20: Pharmacists’ evolving role in immunisation: From advice to administration

0:12:31: Global expansion of pharmacy-based vaccination services

0:17:24: Regulatory changes and policy developments

0:22:00: Challenges and opportunities in pharmacy-based vaccination

0:27:20: The future of vaccination services in pharmacies

0:31:46: Conclusion: Pharmacists as essential vaccinators in a global health landscape

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Advancing life-course immunisation through pharmacy-based vaccination – Animated video

This is a dynamic video presentation providing an overview of advancing life-course immunisation through pharmacy-based vaccination, tied into the global policies and the data that support it.

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Pharmacy-based vaccination: Advocacy brochure

This comprehensive advocacy brochure is derived from the FIP statement of policy on life-course vaccination and highlights key insights from our recent survey report, providing a clear and informative perspective on the importance of vaccinations through the life course.

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Leadership testimonial of pharmacy-based vaccination in Portugal

To showcase the impact of pharmacy-based vaccinations in Portugal, Ema Paulino, President of, the National Pharmacy Association (ANF), Portugal, shares a compelling narrative and experiences that underscore the vital role pharmacies play in vaccination efforts.

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Leadership testimonial of pharmacy-based vaccination in South Africa

To showcase the impact of pharmacy-based vaccinations in South Africa, Refiloe Mogale, Executive Director of, the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa, shares a compelling narrative and experiences that underscore the vital role pharmacies play in vaccination efforts.

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Leadership testimonial of pharmacy-based vaccination in France

To showcase the impact of pharmacy-based vaccinations in France, Carine Wolf-Thal, President of, the French Chamber of Pharmacists, shares a compelling narrative and experiences that underscore the vital role pharmacies play in vaccination efforts.

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Leadership testimonial of pharmacy-based vaccination in Great Britain

To showcase the impact of pharmacy-based vaccinations in Great Britain, Claire Anderson, President, of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Great Britain, shares a compelling narrative and experiences that underscore the vital role pharmacies play in vaccination efforts.

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Leadership testimonial of pharmacy-based vaccination in the United Kingdom

To showcase the impact of pharmacy-based vaccinations in the United Kingdom, Alison Jones, Director of Policy & Communication, at the Pharmacists’ Defence Association, United Kingdom, shares a compelling narrative and experiences that underscore the vital role pharmacies play in vaccination efforts.

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Advocating pharmacy-based vaccination: Using FIP data and compelling evidence to achieve change at country level

This brochure describes recent FIP resources presenting robust data and case studies on the current state of pharmacy-based vaccination (PBV) around the world. It highlights key findings and outlines the value of these resources for different stakeholders: FIP member organisations (MOs), policymakers, academic institutions, and external stakeholders. Specifically, it described two landmark reports and the FIP online atlas on PBV surveillance.

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Poster on pharmacy-based vaccination

In addition to providing a range of campaign materials, FIP’s 2024 World Pharmacy Week activities included a high-level policy symposium at UN City, Copenhagen, in collaboration with the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.
This poster was exhibited at the event, showcasing the contribution of the pharmacy profession to health to all visitors to the United Nations Building.

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FIP statement of policy on the role of pharmacy in life-course vaccination (2023)

This statement discusses the importance of expanding vaccination schedules and strategies beyond infancy to ensure access to vaccines for all age groups, including adults and older persons. Pharmacists should be integrated into patient immunisation pathways and provide vaccines to special-risk groups, such as those with long-term conditions, pregnant individuals, healthcare professionals, underserved populations and caregivers.

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Pharmacy-led vaccination services: Regulatory selfassessment and implementation tool

This self-assessment tool will help to identify strengths and areas for improvement in order to inform vaccination policy and planning efforts. It is an aid to help national ministries of health, regulators and national pharmacy organisations in assessing overall vaccination programmes and the state of legislation and regulations within their countries to facilitate vaccination and enhanced patient care through the pharmacy workforce and community pharmacies. The tool will help with vaccination planning and the utilisation of the pharmacy workforce in primary healthcare and community-based vaccination programmes.

While this tool is not exhaustive in content and has yet to be validated, it is based on the experiences of professional regulators in countries where pharmacy-led vaccination has been successfully introduced and regulated. The checklist is based on the objective to deploy the pharmacy workforce and utilise pharmacies to increase access to vaccination services.

This tool is primarily addressed to regulators and policy-makers to support them in developing strategies or enabling regulatory frameworks in countries where pharmacists and the pharmacy workforce have a limited role in vaccination strategies. It may also be useful as a review tool in countries where the pharmacy workforce already provides vaccine-related care but wishes to further expand or consolidate such roles.

This tool addresses the enabling legislation that is needed and makes reference to additional clarification of the limitations and parameters in the current regulations for future learning. Typically, new or changing legislation can be slow and difficult to draft and enact, but regulations can be made through a simpler and more agile process. Implementation might further require clarifying policies or standards which become the real “how to” guide for healthcare professionals from a public protection perspective.

FIP, its Professional Regulators Advisory Group and its member organisations are a resource for the drafting and development of supportive regulations, policies, standards of care and training programmes. Clearly, the desired goal is to create legislative change to establish enhanced patient care and patient access to vaccinations through pharmacy practice.

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Regional challenges and enablers to leveraging pharmacists as vaccinators

FIP organised in February and March 2022 a series of six regional roundtables with some of its member organisations and other key stakeholders from each region. These events were codeveloped and led by the FIP Forum of Professional Regulators and identified the drivers and barriers to the implementation of pharmacist-led vaccination in each region. In particular, they discussed the existing
challenges to interprofessional understanding, cooperation and task sharing in the area of vaccination.
Discussion topics included the regulatory authority granted to different healthcare professionals to prescribe and administer vaccines and the plans for the management of anti-COVID-19 vaccination in a post-pandemic scenario.

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Advocating expansion of the pharmacist’s role in immunisation: A focus on diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis booster, COVID-19 and meningitis vaccinations

Pharmacists are contributing to expanded immunisation coverage globally, thereby reducing illness and deaths from vaccine-preventable diseases. The report provides intelligence from 36 countries around the world on pharmacists’ current role in vaccination services. The new data show that their role has expanded since the publication of a previous FIP report in 2020. This increase has been driven in part by the need for urgent and mass vaccination as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the report authors say.

Key findings include:

  • 78% of countries surveyed allow vaccines administration at community pharmacies, and a third of countries allow pharmacists to prescribe some vaccines.
  • The most common driver for vaccination in pharmacies was pharmacists’ desire to provide vaccination services.
  • Legislative, regulatory and advocacy efforts have contributed to expanding pharmacists’ role.

In addition, vaccination authority policy development, stakeholder engagement and acceptance of pharmacists’ role, logistics development, and education and training were highlighted as being necessary if pharmacists’ role in vaccination services is to be leveraged further

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Programa de vacunación antipandémica en farmácias: herramienta de autoevaluación normativa (2021)

Esta herramienta de autoevaluación ayudará a identificar los puntos fuertes y las áreas de mejora con el fin de informar sobre los esfuerzos de planificación de la pandemia antes de las olas actuales y futuras de COVID-19. Se trata de una ayuda para que los ministerios de sanidad y los organismos reguladores nacionales evalúen la preparación para la pandemia y el estado de la legislación y la normativa en sus países para facilitar la vacunación y las pruebas masivas y mejorar la atención a los pacientes a través de los farmacéuticos y las farmacias comunitarias.

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Vacinação em farmácias contra doenças pandémicas: ferramenta de autoavaliação regulamentar (2021)

Vacinação em farmácias contra doenças pandémicas: ferramenta de autoavaliação regulamentar (2021)

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Programme de vaccination contre la pandèmie en pharmacie: Un outil d’auto-évaluation des politiques (2021)

Cet outil d’auto-évaluation permettra d’identifier les points forts et les domaines à améliorer afin d’informer les efforts de planification pandémique avant les vagues actuelles et futures de COVID-19. Il s’agit d’un outil destiné à aider les ministères de la santé et les organismes de réglementation nationaux à évaluer la préparation à la pandémie et l’état de la législation et de la réglementation dans leur pays afin de faciliter la vaccination et le dépistage de masse et d’améliorer les soins aux patients par le biais des pharmaciens et des pharmacies communautaires.

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Pharmacy based pandemic vaccination programme: regulatory self-assessment tool (2021)

This self-assessment tool will help to identify strengths and areas for improvement in order to inform pandemic planning efforts ahead of current and future waves of COVID-19. It is an aid to help national ministries of health and regulators in assessing pandemic preparedness and the state of legislation and regulations within their countries to facilitate mass vaccination and testing and enhanced patient care through pharmacists and community pharmacies.

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Addendum to FIP COVID-19 Guidance (November 2020)

This document provides an update of the most relevant data regarding COVID-19 contained in the “FIP COVID-19 Guidance”

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FIP call to action to expand the role of community pharmacies in vaccination, including against COVID-19 and future pandemic (2020)

This statement highlights the role of pharmacists in vaccination and in the promotion of vaccination coverage around the world.

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Give it a shot: Expanding immunisation coverage through pharmacists (2020)

This resource offers practical guidance on implementing a vaccination service and sets out the roles and technical requirements for pharmacy-based vaccines-related services

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FIP global vaccination advocacy toolkit Supporting and expanding immunisation coverage through pharmacists (2019)

Aims to provide FIP member organisations with cases and arguments for achieving or expanding the roles of pharmacists in increasing vaccination coverage and uptake. (Access exclusive to FIP member organisations.)

142nd Executive Board Meeting. Intervention on provisional agenda item 3.6 – Addressing the global shortage of, and access to medicines and vaccines (2018)

This statement highlights FIP’s work on the area of shortages and access to medicines.

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71st World Health Assembly. Intervention on provisional agenda item 12.7 – Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework for the sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits (2018)

This statement highlights the alignment of FIP and WHO efforts in influenza vaccination and access to vaccines.

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71st World Health Assembly. Intervention on provisional agenda item 11.5 – Addressing the global shortage of, and access to, medicines and vaccines (2018)

This statement addresses the importance of access to medicines, medicine shortages and pharmacy in this context.

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140th WHO Executive Board Meeting. Intervention on provisional agenda item 9.1 – Global Vaccine Action Plan (2017)

This statement addresses the global vaccine action plan and FIP’s effort to increase vaccination uptake

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140th WHO Executive Board Meeting. Intervention on provisional agenda item 8.3 ─ Addressing the global shortage of medicines and vaccines (2017)

This statement addresses the global shortage of medicines and vaccines and the role pharmacists can have in supporting this global issue.

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70th World Health Assembly. Intervention on provisional agenda item 13.3 Addressing the global shortage of, and access to, medicines and vaccines (2017)

This statement addresses the importance of access to medicines and pharmacy in this context.

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"Let's talk about vaccines!" Campaign

Pharmacists can play an important role in actively promoting vaccination, raising awareness and educating the population about the health, social and humanistic benefits of vaccines, including gains in quality of life. In particular, they can inform the community about such benefits through generic messaging (posters, videos, etc.) as well as targeted messages to individuals through conversations and advice.

Vulnerable populations like older adults, those living with chronic non-communicable diseases, or pregnant individuals are more likely to be severely impacted by vaccine-preventable diseases and therefore need to make informed decisions about getting vaccinated. For that, they need reliable, accurate and understandable information on vaccines from reputable sources and healthcare professionals, including pharmacists.

By developing a set of materials for pharmacy teams and for patients and the community, and a broad campaign about the benefits of vaccination for the different population groups, FIP aims to support its member organisations and also individual pharmacists in integrating such messages and conversations with patients into their daily practice, and support them in building confidence in vaccines and increasing vaccine uptake.

This campaign is supported through an unrestricted grant from Sanofi.









Resources for pharmacy professionals

In this section, pharmacy professionals can find a set of tools and resources that they can use to support their own professional development and in initiating conversations with patients and the community about vaccination.

These include videos, guidance and infographics. We invite you to visit this webpage regularly to check for new materials and translations.

CPD videos

These CPD Bites are short videos for pharmacists on specific vaccines and their use in risk population groups.

Episode 1: Pharmacists' roles in vaccination
Episode 2: Benefits of influenza vaccination in special populations
Episode 3: Benefits of pertussis vaccination in special populations

CPD Bites

These CPD Bites are short briefings for pharmacists on specific vaccines and their use in risk population groups.

Pharmacists' role in vaccination
Understanding influenza
Understanding pertussis

Brief guides for patient advice

These brief guides provide a summary of evidence-based vaccination recommendations and messages about the risks of vaccine-preventable diseases for different risk groups, and the specific benefits of vaccination for them.

Brief guide for cardiovascular diseases
Brief guide for chronic respiratory conditions
Brief guide for older adults
Brief guide for people living with diabetes
Brief guide for pregnant individuals


This infographic is a summary of the main recommended vaccines and the risk groups that benefit from them.

Summary infographic of vaccination for risk groups

Resources for patients or the general public

Vulnerable populations, such as individuals with chronic conditions, older adults and pregnant people  need reliable, accurate, and understandable information about vaccines from trusted sources. In this section, FIP provides a range of resources to be displayed at pharmacies or offered to patients and community members, to help them make informed decisions about getting vaccinated, protecting their health, and safeguarding the well-being of the community.

The materials in this page will help understanding how vaccines contribute to an improved quality of life and support learning about the importance of vaccination for different life stages and health conditions.

Video for pharmacy screens

This video can be displayed at the pharmacy. It presents the campaign resources.

Video presentation for pharmacy screens

Posters with recommended vaccines for each risk group

These posters have the same information as the flyers above, but they can be printed in A3 format and displayed at the pharmacy to raise awareness about the main vaccination recommendations for each risk group. They also include a set of questions to prompt people to consult their pharmacist about vaccines. Pharmacists may decide to display posters on rotation, or at particular times of the year, such as around disease awareness days.

Poster for older adults
Poster for patients living with cardiovascular diseases
Poster for patients living with chronic respiratory conditions
Poster for patients living with diabetes
Poster for pregnant individuals

Flyers with vaccination recommendations for each risk group (for patients)

These flyers may be printed and given to patients and community members as required. They highlight the main vaccination recommendations for each risk group.

Flyer for older adults
Flyer for patients living with cardiovascular diseases
Flyer for patients living with chronic respiratory conditions
Flyer for patients living with diabetes
Flyer for pregnant individuals

Vaccination needs self-check

This poster can be printed and displayed at the pharmacy. It prompts the public to ask themselves a series of questions about their vaccination status and needs and invites them to ask their pharmacist for advice.

Vaccination needs self-check tool


This bibliography includes the references used to support this campaign and cited in the various materials.



Let’s talk about vaccines!” campaign

Copyright 2023 International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)


Gonçalo Sousa Pinto, FIP Lead for Practice Development and Transformation
Dr Dalia Bajis, FIP Lead for Partnerships and Provision
Dr Ozge Ozer, FIP Education and Professional Development Manager
Rúben Viegas, FIP Practice Development and Transformation Projects Coordinator

Design and layout:

Daria van Beek, FIP Marketing Manager
Hala Fathima, FIP Marketing Coordinator


Amira Mustafa, FIP remote intern, USA (Content development)
Dr. Eric J. Yager, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, USA (Reviewer)
Dr. Mine Durusu Tanriover, Hacettepe University, Turkiye (Reviewer)

CPD Bites/Videos

Addressing Vaccine Fatigue, Complacency and Confidence (2024)

Episode 1- What can pharmacists in low- and middle-income countries do about adult vaccine mistrust?

In this first episode, Dr Kate O’Brien, director of the World Health Organization’s Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals, explores the strategies that pharmacists can employ to address vaccine mistrust, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

Watch here



Episode 2- What is vaccine complacency and fatigue and how can pharmacists address them among at-risk adults?

In this second episode, Dr Samantha Marsh, a Senior research fellow at the Department of General Practice and Primary Healthcare, University of Auckland, shares insights on how pharmacists can identify and address flu vaccine complacency and fatigue among at-risk adults.

Watch here


Episode 3- Using behavioural science to address vaccine concerns and hesitancy: how can pharmacists build confidence in adult vaccination, and particularly flu vaccination?

In this last episode, Gonçalo Sousa Pinto, FIP lead for Practice Development and Transformation, shares practical approaches that pharmacists can employ to tack vaccine hesitancy,  and improve patients’ confidence in flu vaccination.

Watch here


Practice support resources